October 07, 2005

iFive - 6 Oct

Isn't it ironic how some football club songs spruke unending loyalty to their club. "Oh the premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood" - Hmm, came second last did we? How sad, Eddie Maguire will be spitting chips. Who Wants to be a Millionare? Clearly Eddie.

The Sven Sven Sven song came out mid 2004 after the Germany 1 - England 5 game. 'Twas an absolute rout. These lines are gems though...
Rudi Rudi Rudi Rudi Völler
Vorsprung Durch Technik or something or other
Ollie Ollie Ollie Oliver Kahn
Eins Zwei Drei Vier Fünf that's five in German

1. Glory & Fame (See the Bombers Fly Up) - The Fable Singers (Essendon Club Song)
2. Hey Baby (Go England!) - DJ Ötzi
3. The Man United Supporters Songs - Mike Harding
4. Sven Sven Sven (Glorious München) - Bell & Spurling
5. Good Old Collingwood Forever - The Fable Singers (Collingwood Club Song)

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